"Take a Closer Look"



What is Raman?  How does it work?

Raman spectroscopy takes advantage of the inelastic scattering of monochromatic laser light by molecules. Energy from the laser is exchanged with the molecules in such a way that the scattered light photons  have higher or lower energy than the incident photons. The difference in energy is due to a change in the polarization energy of the molecule and gives information about the molecular structure.  Since different molecules show different energy changes, the Raman technique can be used as a qualitative analysis method.

Diagram of Raman scattering:  Incident light (yellow) that loses or gains no energy is scattered back at the same wavelength is called Rayleigh scattering.  If some of the energy is transferred to the ground state, the scattered light is scattered at a longer wavelength (red).  Fluorescence is another effect that causes light to be re-emitted at longer wavelengths.  It often masks Raman scattering.

Diagram of Raman instrumentation:  Incident laser light (yellow) is scattered at the light surface.  Most of the light is scattered at the same wavelength at the incident light.  Light that is Raman shifted also is scattered in a random directions.  A lens is used to collect the light, and a filter is used to block the wavelength of the incident light.  Longer wavelengths (Raman scattering) is transmitted to the monochromator and detection system.  The frequency shift of the scattered light will determine the chemical structure of the sample material.


Symphotic TII Raman Products:

The Nanofinder® Confocal Microspectroscopy System:

Announcing the NEW Nanofinder 30 : High resolution, high sensitivity, full automation. 

 A High Sensitivity/High Resolution Scanning Confocal Raman Spectroscopic Microscope  

Our new confocal microscope, the “Nanofinder  30, is designed for simultaneous high spatial resolution (200 nm) and sensitivity (to single photon counting).  This system is fully automated and features a new multi-laser excitation capability.  While normal confocal microscopy permits observations in three spatial dimensions, this new instrument is equipped with a spectrometer and time correlated single photon counter, adding two more analytical dimensions: spectral and temporal.

 Designed for low level signal detection, the “Nanofinder 30has applications in 3D Raman and photoluminescence imaging, single molecule fluorescence detection, Raman spectral and spatial analysis of a variety of materials such as semiconductors and semiconductor devices, CVD artificial diamond arrays, carbon nanotubes and living cells.

Click here for single page flyer.


The new InSITEtm


Remote Probe Raman Spectroscopy System for in situ Chemical Analysis


The InSITE Raman probe may be deployed manually with a pole or manipulator, or on a robot crawler complete with camera for visual inspection.


Special lenses are available for determining Raman spectra without contact.



Three example spectra from materials commonly found in nuclear power plants are shown on the below.  The broad peak shown in the paint spectrum is caused by fluorescence, which is also measured by the InSITE system, and is also useful in identifying unknown substances.  For a full presentation on the application of the InSITE in nuclear power plant inspections, click here.


Raman Spectrum of boric acid deposit on the wall of a power plant.


Raman and fluorescence spectrum of epoxy paint chip from power plant wall


Raman spectrum of polypropylene plastic chip.


The InSITE System uses a remote Raman probe to non-destructively test in hazardous areas for chemical analysis of substances such as boric acid, explosives, or other molecular compounds.  Click here for a brochure.



To Learn More:

The Nanofinder Microspectroscopy system

The InSITE Remote Analyzer


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Copyright © 2015 Symphotic TII Corporation
Last modified: 09/22/15
Copyright © 2018 Symphotic TII Corporation
Last modified: 08/30/18