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The SonarBell®

 Take a Closer Look at Your Sonar Targets

SonarBell in operation

The SonarBell®


Clearwater Hydroacoustings developed the SonarBell and related technologies. 

SonarBell operates by focusing and reflecting sound energy back to its source, much as a lens or mirror can focus light. Just like a lens or mirror SonarBell is a completely passive device.


By focusing and re-radiating the sound energy back in the direction from which it came a 200mm SonarBell can deliver the same sonar target strength as a 2m diameter metal plate whilst being relatively light weight and easy to handle.


In contrast to other technologies used for the location of assets SonarBell does not suffer from the intermittent reflection of corner reflectors nor does it require the battery replacement cycle of transponders.


Applications note: SonarBell Overview


SonarBell the facts:

1. Inert, stable and completely passive device

2. Omni-directional

3. No maintenance

4. Clear double-echo return for positive identification.

5. No maintenance

6. Can be used at depth

7. Easy to transport and handle

Call now for more information:

Postal address
Symphotic TII Corporation
880 Calle Plano, Unit K
Camarillo, CA 93012  U.S.A.






Copyright © 2018 Symphotic TII Corporation
Last modified: 03/02/22