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Falcon ROV Applications
Press releases and special publications.
Saab Seaeye Falcon ROVs voted "TOP EDUCATIONAL ROV" by International
Ocean Systems magazine. Featured are systems sold by Symphotic
TII Corporation at
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Memorial University of
Newfoundland, and City University of New York. We have also sold
systems to the University of Texas,
the University of Victoria, Bridgeport Regional Aquaculture, the
University of Washington, the University of Rhode Island,
Northwest Michigan College, Dalhaousie Univerisity, as well as other
schools and research facilities North America.
Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife uses our Falcon ROV
system to help preserve the endangered rockfish population in Puget
Sound. Their system has recently been upgraded to the new
intelligent control system.
Introduction to the Sonar
An in-depth look at underwater
position location and identification using the SonarBell from
FACSS 2009
of Ancient Roman Pigments by Portable E-Ray Fluorescence and Raman
Mary Kate Donais, David
Saint Anselm College
Sally Roberts, Jack Roberts, Eric Wu
Symphotic TII
AIChE 2008 Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
Troy A. Wilfong1, Jack Roberts2,
Michael Melton6, and Erid Wu, Kevin Pan2.
Abstract-- Reactor coolant pressure boundary leakage
in pressurized water reactors leaves a white boric acid residue that
is corrosive to reactor components. However, not every white deposit
found in a PWR is boric acid, and identification of unknown deposits
can be crucial in determining if an active leak exists. Current
methods for identifying the source of unidentified deposits require
a sample to be removed and analyzed using radiometric techniques.
This approach is time-consuming, requires potential exposure of
personnel to radiation, suffers from false positives, and may not be
possible in locations that are inaccessible or where only small
amounts of deposits exist. A new technique based on Raman
spectroscopy allows in-situ analysis and positive identification of
boric acid residue. This technique can also determine the state of
hydration of the boric acid which will help understand the nature of
the source of the residue. The spectroscopic analyses of other
common materials that may be mistaken for boric acid are also
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS) has
identified a need for a field test to determine unequivocally if an
unidentified deposit is boric acid, either from a reactor coolant
solution (RCS) pressure boundary leak or a spill. Formerly,
potential pressure boundary leaks were identified by visual
identification of white deposits, followed by laboratory
confirmation using radiometric techniques. Radiometric techniques,
however, do not determine that a white deposit is RCS, which is
predominantly boric acid, and such techniques are subject to false
positives and errors in interpretation. Also, there is significant
cost associated with removal of a sample from the suspected leak
site and laboratory analysis, both in time and increased radiation
exposure to personnel.
PNVGS and Symphotic TII have developed a technique
for in-situ analysis that gives positive identification of boric
acid deposits without requiring removal of a sample for laboratory
This project won a 2006 NEI, Top Industry Practice
Publications for Download:
Please contact us for information on these publications:
Optical Micro-Characterization of Single-Walled
Carbon Nanotubes Extracted from AFI Crystals by Visible Emission and
Raman Scattering. Jian-Ting YE, Nobuko NAKA, Yasushi MORIHIRA, Zi-Kang
TANG, Wei-kun GE, Ping SHENG, Igor KUDRYASHOV, and Nobukata NAGASAWA:
Japanese Journal of Allied Physics, Vol. 43, No. 10, 2004, pp.
Optical Nano-Tomography on Photosensitive
Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Arrays in Zeolite Crystals.
Zhao-Ming LI and Zi-Kang TANG: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.
43, No. 2, 2004, pp. 868-871.
Micro-Characterization of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Extracted from
AFI Crystals by Visible Emission and Raman Scattering. Jian-Ting
YE, Nobuko NAKA, Yasushi MORIHIRA, Zi-Kang TANG, Wei-kun GE, Ping SHENG,
Igor KUDRYASHOV, and Nobukata NAGASAWA: Japanese Journal of Applied
Physics, Vol. 43, No. 10, 2004, pp. 7354-7355.
Nagasawa, H. Sugiyama, N.Naka, I. Kudryashov, M. Watanabe, T. Hayashi,
I. Bozovic, N. Bozovic, G. Li, Z. Li, Z.K. Tang
emission of single wall carbon nanotubes formed in micro-channels of
zeolite crystals N. Nagasawa, H.
Sugiyama, N. Naka, I. Kudryashov, M. Watanabe, T. Hayashi, I. Bozovic,
N. Bosovic, G. Li, Z.K. Tang.
Emission spectroscopy is performed to study the optical transitions
between electronic bands of SWCNs formed in AlPO4-5 (AFI )crystal.
Strong visible emission is observed under laser light illumination at
room temperature. The emission is excited by the light polarized along
the c- axis and its polarization is also along this direction. On the
other hand, non-linear emission is observed under the resonant
excitation of the lowest absorption band of SWCNs. The emission is
excited by the light polarized along the c—axis, but it shows the
polarization perpendicular to the c—axis. The polarization character is
discussed on the basis of the selection rules of the optical transitions
predicted by the full line-group symmetry of SWCNs.
(c)2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PACS: 78.67.Ch;81.07.De
Keywords: Carbon nanotubes;Zeolite;Optical absorption;Optical
Optical Nano-Tomography on Photosensitive
Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Arrays in Zeolite Crystals.
Zhao-Ming LI and Zi-Kang TANG: Japanese Journal of Allied Physics, Vol.
43, No. 2, 2004, pp. 868-871.
Three-dimensional mapping of Photoluminescence and
Raman Spectra. I. Kudryashov, A. Gvozdev, V. Zhihimontov, A.
Volkov, E. Vanagas, S. Juodkazis, H. Misawa.
Visible Emissions of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Formed in Zeolite Crystals. N. Nagasawa,
I. Kudryashov, and Z. K. Tang
Abstract: Mono-sized, aligned and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNs)
of about 0.4 nm diameter are formed inside micro-channel array of a
zeolite single crystal. Since they are forced to align along c-axis of
the crystal, they show strong polarization anisotropy in the optical
absorption from near infrared to visible region [1]. The crystal is
opaque in the polarization configuration E//c , but is almost
transparent in E?c , where E is the electric field vector of the
incident light. We have found strong emissions in visible regions under
the monochromatic photo-excitations at room temperature. They showed
strong polarization correlation with the absorption spectra. To know the
spatial distribution of the emission sources and the origins, 3D micro-tomographic
measurements are performed using the "Nanofinder" of nano-scale spatial
resolution [2]. In this paper, we discuss these polarization
characteristics in view of the selection rules of relevant optical
transitions on the basis of the band calculation obtained by the LDA.
[1] Z.K.Tang, Z.M.Li, G.D.Li, N.Wang, H.J.Li and C.T.Chan, to be
published in the Proceedings of Inter. Symposium on Network Materials:
Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Related Systems, ISNM2001, Kamakura, Japan.
[2] N.Nagasawa, I.Kudryashov, S.Tsuda, and Z.K.Tang, to be published in
the Proceedings of ISNM2001
Heteroepitaxial growth of wurtzite InN films on
Si.111. exhibiting strong near-infrared photoluminescence at room
temperature S. Gwo, C.-L. Wu, and C.-H.
Shen W.-H. Chang and T. M.
Hsu(Received 1 December 2003; accepted 10 March 2004; published online
29 April 2004) Abstract: High-quality InN epitaxial films have been
grown by nitrogen-plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy on Si(111)
substrates using a double-buffer technique. Growth of a (0001)
-oriented single crystalline wurtzite–InN layer was confirmed by
reflection high-energy electron diffraction, x-ray diffraction, and
Raman scattering. At room temperature, these films exhibited strong
near-infrared ~0.6–0.9 eV! photoluminescence (PL). In addition to the
optical absorption measurement of absorption edge and direct band
nature, the PL signal was found to depend linearly on the excitation
laser intensity over a wide intensity range. These results indicate that
the observed PL is due to the emission of direct band-to-band
recombination rather than the band-to-defect (or impurity) deep
emission. © 2004 American Institute of Physics. @DOI: 10.1063/1.1738183