Home Products
ROVs from Saab Seaeye
Sonar Systems SonarBell Sonar
EdgeDVR Video Recording Customer Support
Imaging Sonars
Underwater Imaging and
Search and Recovery
Underwater Explosive
Ordnance Disposal
Underwater Robotic Systems
Bathymetry Instrumentation
Underwater Chemical Analyzers
Symphotic TII Corporation is pleased to offer a comprehensive line instruments, cameras, and vehicles for
a wide variety of scientific, industrial, and inspection applications. Now
take a closer look at your most challenging underwater tasks with our ROVs, AUVs,
cameras and scanning/imaging sonar systems.

The Seaeye Falcon ROV with
Robotic Shark for a major motion picture.
Click the titles or the pictures below
for more information.
Saab-Seaeye ROVs, Saab AUVs

ROVs for deep waters and heavy payloads.
Please click here to view more information.
For the most demanding ROV applications, please contact us about the
Seaeye Falcon, Panther, Cougar, and Lynx ROVs. We offer a full
range or ROVs from portable systems to the most powerful work-class
systems. In addition, we encourage you to consult with us regarding your
requirements for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.

The 881A-GS and
881L-GS High Performance Gyro Stabilized Imaging Sonar.
Gyro-stabilization of the Imagenex Model 881L-GS and the 881A-GS
makes these high resolution sonars into a systems capable of crystal
clear visualization from moving ROVs without the blurring effects of
host vehicle rotation. An advanced, low drift gyro is integrated
directly into the sonar head, so the sonar can now compensate for
vehicle motion in real time with unprecedented accuracy, stability, and
The enhanced capabilities of the 881L-GS and 881A-GShave not compromised
the performance of the sonar. Using Ethernet communications, these
all-in-one, high performance digital imaging sonar can still exceed 100
samples per second on short range at up to 2 mm range resolution, and
can auto-adjust acoustic frequency and resolution to scan up to a 200 m
radius, 360° surrounding area.
The Model 881L-GS and 881A-GS feature low power consumption, simple
set-up, and small size that make it an ideal tool for large work ROV’s
and small inspection vehicles. It is also a powerful and convenient drop
sonar and borehole inspection package: just add a laptop computer and
power supply and run the included Imagenex software.

The NEW 878 High
Resolution Towable Sonar.
Simultaneous dual frequency, high resolution, LAN compatible with
built in GPS, track plotter, and optional orientation module including
depth,temperature, pitch, roll and heading sensors. Also available
with optional echo sounder.
The SportScan
Dual Frequency Sonar
The Yellowfin Triple Frequency Sonar

The Sportscan is an economical scanning sonar system is available in
single frequency and dual frequency models. A deeper water
version, the Yellowfin, is also available.
The 881A Imaging Sonar

We also offer a full line of sonar
systems for ROVs and stand alone use.

Sonar Bell Sonar Target:

SonarBell operates by focusing
and reflecting sound energy back to its source, much as a lens or mirror can
focus light. Just like a lens or mirror SonarBell is a completely passive
By focusing and re-radiating the sound energy back in the
direction from which it came a 200mm SonarBell can deliver the same sonar
target strength as a 2m diameter metal plate whilst being relatively light
weight and easy to handle.
In contrast to other technologies used for the location of
assets SonarBell does not suffer from the intermittent reflection of corner
reflectors nor does it require the battery replacement cycle of
Digital Edge DVD
The Digital Edge System allows you to record video
and overlay with a sophisticated but easy to use interface. The final
product is a customer-deliverable hard disk.

The Tracklink
1500 from LinkQuest, Inc.

The Tracklink 1500 is
a USBL Acoustic Tracking System with Broadband Acoustic Spread Spectrum
technology for underwater tracking and communication.
Please click here to view more information.
Contact Information

- Postal address
- Symphotic TII Corporation
- 880 Calle Plano, Unit K
- Camarillo, CA 93012 U.S.A.